5 minute abs – post thanksgiving home ab workout (get shredded)

Thank you all for watching, hope you enjoyed it and that it was challenging for you. Thanksgiving was last week so be sure to burn off those calories. If there are any exercises you want to see me put into these workouts let me know.



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now to explain the workout

25 sliding crunches- works your upper abs
25 crunches- also works your upper abs
25 reverse crunches- works the lower abs
20 leg raises + 6 inch hold- works your lower abs
20 bicycle kicks + 6 inch hold- again, works your lower abs
30 side to side toe touches- works obliques
30 seconds of side planks- works your obliques.

subscribe for next weeks #abworkoutwednesday and all the other videos i’ve got coming for you. peace out.

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