Bosu Ball Exercises – Abs BOSU Ball Workout

Want to bump up your fitness level? The BOSU (both sides utilised) ball makes exercise extra challenging.


Primary muscle group: Glutes & Hip Flexors
Secondary: Abs, Hamstrings
1) Place a BOSU Ball on the ground with the blue rubber side facing up. Lie on the ground and place your right foot on the rubber part of the BOSU Ball. Extend your left leg straight into the air. Extend your arms to the sides and tighten your core.
2) With your gaze focused on the ceiling, push down with your right foot, elevating your hips. Tighten your glutes when you come to the top of the movement and hold. Slowly, lower your body towards the ground but do not lie back down until the end of the set.
* Repeat.

1. Place yourself on your hands knees on an Bosu Ball. Your head should be looking forward and the bend of the knees should create a 90-degree angle between the hamstrings and the calves. This will be your starting position.
2. Extend one leg up and behind you. The knee and hip should both extend. Repeat for 5-10 repetitions, and then switch sides.

This one exercise, whether you do it with added weights or on the BOSU ball, may be considered essential to your strength training program. It is relatively simple to perform and delivers significant benefits no matter how old you are.
When squats are done on the BOSU ball, you have the added benefit of placing greater stress on your core muscles, thus increasing strength. The ball works on improving both your balance and flexibility as you work though the different levels of doing squats, from beginner to advanced.
if strength training is your goal, your body needs both core muscle activation and leg strengthening to work optimally. So, while doing weighted squats on the ball is dangerous, incorporating several sets on the BOSU into your routine may improve your overall performance when you are using weights.

Targets: Core, shoulders, lower body.Place the ball flat-side down. Rest your forearms on top of the dome and come into a plank position, keeping your shoulders over your elbows. Your body should be in a straight line from head to heels. Pull your abdominals in toward your spine and squeeze your gluteals. Hold for one minute.

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