तेज़ी से चर्बी घटायें | Best Way to Lose Body Fat (Faster)

In this video, I show you how you can never outtrain a bad diet. If you refuse to pay attention to the quality of your nutrition and the foods you put in your mouth you are never going to have the low levels of body fat that you desire long term. Sure, anyone can follow a short term diet that allows them to lose fat for a few weeks however if you can’t keep it up then you will never be satisfied with your body fat levels over the course of the year.

Mistakenly, people look to exercises as the best way to drop body fat. While you definitely need to train, achieving fat loss is and always will be better accomplished via the right nutrition plan. This goes back to the comment about never being able to outtrain a bad diet. You simply cannot make up enough calorie burn via exercise (even the most intense) to overcome bad food choices. For instance, our very own Jesse is a big sugar fanatic and a worshiper of gummy bears. Just 17 measly gummy bears has 150 calories. Even if Jesse were to do 10 minutes straight of high effort high intensity burpees, he would only burn 120 calories and he would lose that battle with a net calorie gain of 30.

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