0-6 Pack Abs System – Exercise for 6 Pack Abs Fast


0-6 Pack Abs System – Exercise for 6 Pack Abs Fast

The 0-6 Pack Abs System was created by a physical therapist that specializes in Neurologic Rehabilitation named Dr. James Vegher, and the personal trainer and bestselling author Tyler Bramlett. In simple words, it is an easy-to-follow and comprehensive workout program that teaches you step-by-step how to reactivate the core muscles in your body, shrink your waistline, and develop impressive six pack abs.

According to Dr. James Vegher and Tyler Bramlett, traditional abs-toning exercises do not help to trim your waist. In fact, they actually make things worse and could lead to injuries. The solution of the authors is to follow a program that is based around getting your core muscles reactivated through the use of “Core Activation Sequences” in order to get a toned and flat stomach.

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