30 DAYS BEER DRINKING CHALLENGE – Does beer makes you fat?

I am uploading this video a bit late, apologies for that.

So, what I did here was to drink 2-3 beers every day for 30 days straight. I wanted to see how this will affect my healthy lifestyle, my body form and my workouts as well.

My workout plan stayed the same as usual, but I adjusted my meal plan according to the new calories from the beers.

I had to decrease my food in order to fit in the beers. I was keeping my calories at around my maintenance level or -100/200 cal deficit.

Because I had to sacrifice some food for the beers, most of the time I was quite hungry, but anyways I wanted to see what will happen if someone who loves beer want to stay fit without excluding them from the menu.

Well here are the results…
My other 30 Days Challenges:
– 30 Days Extreme fat loss 2017
– 30 Days Extreme muscle gain 2017
– 30 Days Extreme fat loss 2016
– 30 Days Transformation 2014
– 30 Days * 300 Push Ups Challenge
– 30 Days Junk food Challenge

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Jim James – State Of The Art (A.E.I.O.U.)
Twelve Titans Music – Monolith

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