6 Minute V-Cut Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

6 Minute V-Cut Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Here is the full list of the exercices:

1) Single-Arm Plank
2) Windscreen Wipers
3) Serratus Plank
4) Spider-Man Pushups
5) L-Sit Toe Touches


6) Deadbugs
7) Russian Twists
8) Reverse Crunches
9) Double Tap Twist Crunches
10) Flutter Kicks


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I go by the name of Goldman Gainz, but my real name is Murad. My passion is to create entertaining, yet informative videos to help and influence as much people as possible. Living the way you want is possible and I’m on a road to accomplish that, while doing, getting better and evolving together. Smash the subscribe button to stay up to date!

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