7 Gym Mistakes THAT ARE KEEPING YOU FAT in 2019 (And How to Fix Them)

Whats up, welcome to Hardin’s Fitness! Today’s I’m gonna lay out what I feel are the 7 biggest mistake people make, newbies & vets, in the gym. Before we get into it, MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE, HIT THAT BUTTON IN THE BOTTIM RIGHT CORNER SO THAT I CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR FITNESS AND FAT LOSS GOALS EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY. Have you don’t it yet? You have? OK cool.

#1. Crazy amounts of cardio. Cardio is so deceptive because if you go from no activity to 30 minutes on the treadmill, you’re probably gonna lose some weight.

But then once you plateue, you either kick it up to an hour, or 2 hours, and before you know it you’re spending all day in the gym & not dropping a pound. Cardio does NOT change your body composition, strength & resistance training along with a balanced diet does.

#2.Spot reducing body fat is the worst myth ever created. No matter how many ab workouts you do, you can’t lose belly fat if that’s all you do.

You need a workout that’s metabolically challenging to you, and to diet in a caloric deficit to lose body fat ALL OVER.

#3.The “I only work on parts of the body I care about ” mentality. This is a sure fire way to create muscular imbalances.

You can train your anterior chain ( chest, front delts, Biceps, quads) basically the front of your body, and neglect your rear delts, back, glutes & hamstrings or your posterior chain.

Not only will your body not look good., but it won’t feel good. You need a well rounded training program!

#4.6, 7 days a week of working out, and then go out & grab a pizza. If you’re already over weight, no amount of training in the world will be able to cover up your poor diet decisions.

You HAVE to change what & how you eat to lose weight, no exceptions.

#5. Bad form. This is not only a way to be disappointed in your results, but also a great way to end up hurting yourself and at the doctor rehabbing instead of the gym losing weight. If you need help learning form In exercises, check out Athleanx, he has form check videos for pretty much every exercise.

#6.Bro – Science. Listening to lifting advice from the guy with big Biceps, but rounded shoulders, stick legs & a beer gut is probably the worst place to get advice.

Ask a trainer or a staff member, and if theres no one available, look up your question on a reputable source.

#7. Comparing ourselves to others.. Saved this one for last because I feel it’s the #1 reason for people becoming discouraged. We look at one person that’s lost 50lbs, and wonder why we can’t have that. What you don’t see is that person was trying to lose that 50lbs for 8 years, or they lost it, and gained it right back and had to lose it again.

No one’s journey is the same, so the best thing you can do is compare yorself to the old you. Every time you leave the gym, or meal prep, or resist unhealthy meals, you get closer to your goals. Try to beat the past version of yourself, not anyone else. And you’ll be fine.

Alright that is my 7 worst mistakes to make and how to avoid them! Make sure to subscribe to the channel so that I’m here to help with your fitness and fat loss goal EVERY WEEK, and let me know in the comments section below which of these 7 things you’ve had the most trouble with! Thanks for watching

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