7 Key Components Of Fat Loss

How to calculate your calories:

I am all about living a great life whilst looking and feeling amazing and I believe the below 7 components are key to this.

Most people want to look good naked, feel amazing in their clothes and be as healthy as possible.

If this is not you then you probably shouldn’t be following me on here!

1. Being aware of your calorie target – As most of you already know, in order to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit (consuming fewer calories than burning) and vice versa for gaining weight. I strongly suggest creating only a slight caloric deficit/surplus that is also sustainable in the long run, the process might take longer but you’ll find it much more enjoyable and efficient. By not dieting extremely you’ll also maintain/build more muscle and find yourself binge/overeat less frequently.

2. Consume sufficient amount of protein – It’s important to consume enough protein for building/maintaining muscle. Protein is also the most filling macronutrient. Therefore, you’ll find yourself feeling more satisfied and full after eating protein rich meals.

3. Weight training – Training with weights will help you to build or maintain your current muscle mass. You’ll also get stronger, which can support daily activities as well as long term health.

4. Count your steps, be more active – Setting up daily step target and going for walks will definitely help you burn more calories while not demanding too much of physical effort. Therefore, you’ll lose more body fat in the long run.

5. Get good quality sleep – This one is kinda self-explanatory. I think we all know the effects of poor sleep! If you want to know more I have a series of posts on my instagram that talks more about this.

6. Be flexible with your approach to nutrition – Being able to fit in your favourite foods will make the whole dieting experience much easier and you’ll also find yourself binging less frequently which leads to long term adherence and success!

7. Drink plenty of liquids – If you get stranded in the desert without food you may survive for a few days but if you have no water you will die pretty fast, surely thats enough information to make you realise drinking enough water daily is key!

Hope the above helps, any questions just let me know

Coach HB

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