8⃣️7⃣️ Strength, Flexibility and Mobility progression #1 / (Breakdance Bboy Beginner Progression)

Video taken on July 26, 2019.

Important note about Convexity and Concavity regarding progression/regression perception at the end of this text. Bboy Beginner Strength + Stretching – Day 75: Interesting enough, I’ve been noticing that I would regress quickly in terms of stretching some specific body parts. I cannot sit on my heels without feeling some pain, so it would take additional time to fix this (however this was already anticipated, hence my note about the need to consolidate and strenghten on Day 73). However, as hinted yesterday, I was surprised by my quick progress regarding my shoulders’ mobility, especially compared to my legs. There could be some rational underlying explanations: 1) I am more focusing on scapula adduction (contraction), 2) Pull-ups tensed my shoulders, 3) I wasn’t trying hard enough, 4) It’s an optical illusion due to back arching, 5) Maybe some moves unlocked some parts that were injured in the past (spasms), and so on. ———
Important remarks: It seems that many people could be relectant to believe how fast some improvements could be made. Some others may think it’s totally normal. Interestingly enough, that could be also said for regression: how could some people regress that quickly in a matter of days? Is this normal or on the contrary not usual? It goes without saying that it depends on the skill being discussed. Would you believe someone who said that he managed to learn how to do a backflip within a single day? And someone who said he managed to make one more rep doing crunches? Either could be either lying, or saying the truth (however it could be unintentional, because the technique being used could be really poor and not counted as « right and countable ». Believability in progression could be also a derived function, to some extents, of the « Prospect Theory » used in economy and behavioral finance (« concave profits and convex losses » in a nutshell). Well, it is not the subject here, so I won’t delve deeper into the topics.

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