Plateaus And Losing Fat – Strategies To Deal With The Inevitable

Plateaus And Losing Fat – Strategies To Deal With The Inevitable

Now we’re going to take a look at the fat loss journey itself. Specifically, something nobody can avoid, plateaus. This is normal. It’s supposed to happen, the progress you make is not linear, it never is despite how much you hope it will be. So what can you do if these plateaus are inevitable?

You want to anticipate the plateaus. When there is a plateau in weight loss it generally boils down to three reasons.

Adherence – Not following/sticking to the limitations of your calories or the workload you’ve committed to in the gym.

New Maintenance calories – Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) has decreased due to the fact that you have lost weight.

Water retention – This is what will drive most people crazy and is what becomes slightly more complicated than simply adhering to the program or adjusting your calories to continue losing weight.


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