How Long to Cut to 10% Body Fat

In this video, I wanted to give you a better idea on actually how long it’s going to take you to cut down to 10% body fat. I know a lot of people like having a timeline to put their fitness goals into perspective.

When you’re on a solid cutting program and not pushing fat loss too quickly or too slow, you can expect to see a decrease of about 2% body fat each month.

If you have more fat to lose, you can take things a bit faster, and if you’re already fairly close to 10% body fat, you may need to take things a bit slower.

For example, if someone is trying to go from 20% body fat down to 10%, it may indeed take 5 months.

Although, this DOES assume you stay consistent and don’t mess up on your diet/nutrition that much.

At the same time, it’s important to make your fitness journey as enjoyable as it can be. So there isn’t a definitive answer to how long it will take you to get shredded.

All you have to do is put forth the effort, and stay consistent as much as you can. The results will follow. The idea isn’t to reach your fitness goals as fast as possible.

For the most part, that’s how people constantly mess up and struggle to see any noticeable results, because they always find themselves right where they started.

If you’re ready to join one of my programs, go to

Oh and make sure you stay up to date with me on social media:

Instagram: @gregogallagher ()
Snapchat: @gog9

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