Intense Arms Workout & Body Shape – 30 Days Extreme Fat Loss Challenge – Week 2 Day 13 14 | Vlog

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It is the end of week 2. The challenge is going good so far. I can definitely see the progress already. I think that by the end of week 3, the results will be even more noticeable.

The low carb days are really challenging. My energy levels are low, but I am trying to push as much ass possible in the gym in order to burn some extra fats.

I am still struggling with the meat, because I have about 2 pounds per day, so I am trying to diversify the meat sources.
I included beef, chicken, turkey, pork, trout, tuna, salmon, pike etc.

Low fat days I am using mostly – chicken/turkey, tuna, pike/tilapia.
High fat days – pork, beef, salmon.
Middle fat – trout, chicken drumsticks, catfish.

Even that I am on a caloric deficit of about 600 cal, I noticed that my strength levels are increasing. Especially in the arms and legs.

Apart from the two low carb days, my energy levels are pretty good. I don’t feel like I am dieting that hard. I also don’t feel hunger at all. Sometimes I crave for some pizza or ice cream, but the cravings are not that

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