Outdoor work out! Train in the sunshine, get fitter, bigger and stronger with this whole body workout, whilst catching a sun tan!!~
Featured Exercises:
Warm Up (mobility drills and dynamic stretching)
Exercises for legs specifically quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings
Dumbell front squat
Pistol squat
Weighted pistol squat
Exercises for legs specifically glutes, hamstrings, adductors
Single leg romanian deadlift
Weighted Single leg romanian dead lift
Goblet squat
Sumo squat
Exercises for upper body – primarily pectorals, triceps, deltoids
(chest, back or arms and shoulders)
One arm dumbell floor press
Exercises for back – lats, rhomboids. biceps, forearms
Bent over row
Full upper body exercise – dumbell clean and press
Make sure you stretch afterwards!
PLease have a go at this workout and enjoy, thank you
How to train your whole body
How to get muscley with bodyweight and weight training exercises
How to get fit at home
INcrease muscle mass at home
Boost testosterone levels with compound exercises
Sunlight and vitamin d will help increase testosterone
Get bigger, and stronger