Calisthenics Abs & Legs Workout Routine (Bodyweight Training)

Having strong legs is a big factor in avoiding injury, especially into old age. It also helps with running faster, jumping higher, maintaining balance, and increasing the ease of daily functional activities. Doing leg exercises also helps in healthy weight loss, increasing bone strength, and building muscle.

There are many different ways to work your legs, but today we’re going to focus on the increasingly popular (but not new) method of using calisthenics.

Bodyweight exercises (calisthenics) are great because you can do them anywhere and then typically it doesn’t cost you anything to work out because you can make things work with almost anything you find at a park or around the house.

One of the key things to focus on with any workout routine is form and progressing to the more difficult versions of a workout. When it comes to form, really make sure you maintain it throughout the full set of each exercise. This will help you build a good mind body relationship as well as make you stronger. When we begin losing form, we don’t challenge the muscle or muscle groups being worked properly.

If you can’t quite maintain form, it might be because the exercise is too tough for you at that time and you need to build more strength first. This is OK! Don’t let needing to use progressions worry you or get to your ego. That’s a big part of bringing the proper mindset into lifestyle, it’s not about getting jacked and impressing people, it’s about being healthy.

Progressions on various exercises can be found simply by searching for them on the internet. The video below is primarily made up of moves that most people can do. If you reach any you can’t do, one way of going through the program is simply by doing what you can and build that up over time. Then add in exercises as you get stronger.


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