Fat Loss Ladder Challenge – 30 Minute Fat Burner


Jordan is here to challenge you to an intense full-body circuit, that gets tougher set by set, and ignites your fat cells like napalm…

Oh. And you only have 30 minutes.

The fat loss ladder challenge comprises of a ladder of sets.

You’re going to perform 1 compound movement for each of the following groups. Legs, Back and Chest.

We suggest squats, weighted pull-ups, and weighted dips.

Set 1 – 1 Rep Per Exercise
Set 2 – 2 Reps Per Exercise
Set 3 – 3 Reps Per Exercise
Set 4 – 4 Reps Per Exercise
Set 5 – 5 Reps Per Exercise
Set 6 – 6 Reps Per Exercise
Set 7 – 7 Reps Per Exercise
Set 8 – 8 Reps Per Exercise
Set 9 – 9 Reps Per Exercise
Set 10 – 10 Reps Per Exercise

AVOID Machines, Isolation Movements, Dumbbell Flyes, Leg Extensions, and Lat Pulldowns.

This workout is designed for time. So keep your rest periods short. You should feel uncomfortable by set 5, and in the zone by set 7.

Performing this workout twice a week should be able to replace typical boring, steady-state cardio. As it gets easier, you have two options.

A. Increase resistance of the exercises
B. Go up the ladder, and back down (60 Minute Challenge) [HARD]

And that’s the Fat Loss Ladder… leave your questions and comments below and let us know if you finished the challenge…

Until next time… keep training hard.
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