Build Hip Strength | Momentum Sports Therapy

This exercise is beneficial for opening up your hips and accentuating your full range of motion in hip rotation.

Our mission is simple: Get you back to the activities you enjoy as quickly as possible.

Momentum specializes in Active Release Techniques (ART), Graston Technique, Chiropractic, Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Fitness Training, Sports Massage, Golf Fitness Analysis, and rehabilitation exercises to ensure your performance will be optimized while your injuries are eliminated. We are here to take care of you without the use of drugs, injections, or surgeries.

Every patient is treated like a world – class athlete with cutting-edge therapies that ensure rapid recovery. Our team of therapists and fitness professionals work together to optimize your health and fitness.

No lengthy treatment plans
No band-aid fixes
No standardized care

You will quickly return to your active lifestyle with less pain, improved function, and a better understanding of your body and its potential. You will experience not only reduced pain, but also an overall feeling of better health and wellness. Redefine your ideas about healthcare and begin living the life that you never thought was possible!


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