Equestrian Fitness | Class 5 | Exercises for Strength & Balance

Are you looking for exercises to help improve your position and performance with your horse?

This 5-part Equestrian Fitness Mini Series demonstrates exercises performed specifically for horse riders to improve posture, strength and fitness.

Muscle imbalances occur inevitably over time as we complete repetitive movements. This is particularly relevant in horse riders. The most common muscle imbalance in the upper body results in a rounded shoulder posture. This problem is a result of spending a significant portion of time sitting with our with our arms and shoulders stretched forwards – driving, sitting at a computer, sitting down to eat, as well as riding your horse. This means that the muscles across the chest, abdomen and quadriceps become short and tight and joints become stiff and sore.

To correct this postural misalignment it is most effective doing exercise off the horse. By stretching muscles that are tight and strengthening muscles that are weak we can once again restore balance in the body.

The 3 exercises shown in this video are:
– Fit ball back stretch
– Fit ball chest stretch
– Fit ball lat stretch

These basic Pilates movements are perfect for beginning to stretch and strengthen your back and shoulder muscles. Complete exercises 3-5 times per week for the best results.

All exercises are demonstrated by qualified Pilates instructor and Occupational Therapist (OT), Katherine Stewart. Katherine is also a showjumping rider of 25 years with much experience in injury rehabilitation and mental health recovery.

Katherine and Troy from Keeping Up WIth Health believe in a holistic approach to wellness of the mind and body. Check out other videos on healthy food recipes, dieting tips & tricks and mindset hacks.

Subscribe to the channel to see the full 5-part upper body equestrian fitness mini series.

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Music Track: Lundh – Let Go (feat. Safia)

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