Burn Fat… Not Your Muscle – Max Muscle Fat Loss Workout

If you want to burn off belly fat – you must be in a caloric deficit – usually accomplished through a combination of diet and exercise.

Unfortunately, for many men following mainstream diet and exercise advice – this caloric deficit results in a massive loss of muscle.

Fortunately, your six-pack abs don’t have to come at the expense of your 3d shoulders and sleeve-splitting arms. with a proper plan of attack – most of that metabolic muscle loss can be prevented.

Today, Blue Star Nutraceuticals Pro-Trainer Matt Stirling is going to take you through his go-to heavy metabolic conditioning workout designed to preserve and protect your hard earned metabolic muscle – all while getting you peeled and ripped.

Most men spend their off-season progressively overloading their muscles, building strength, power and size. However, when it’s time to cut – they drop their weights too low and perform nothing but cardio pump sessions. The end result? a flat, deflated-looking, stringy physique.

Even worse, many men will perform endless hours of boring, steady-state cardio, that inevitabily increases cortisol – the stress hormone – which eats away metabolic muscle, and lowers testosterone. Not to mention, causes your adrenals to fatigue, which lowers your master fat loss hormone, norepinephrine.

For this workout you will complete 3 exercises in a giant set fashion. That means no resting between each exercise. After the 3rd exercise in the giant set, you’ll take 60 seconds rest – and should repeat the giant set for a total of 10 rounds.

You can utilize this workout for metabolic conditioning in place of traditional cardio sessions, or tack it on at the end of your workout as a high intensity finisher and really push yourself to finish strong!

Exercise #1: Conventional Deadlifts using 75% of 1RM – x3 Reps
To kick things off we’re going to do heavy conventional deadlifts using 75% of your 1 Rep Max – so if you can lift 400 bs for 1 rep – you will be using 300lbs for this exercise. maintain good form, but lift with intensity and be explosive. Make no mistake, speed builds strength. Keep your back straight, chest up, head in a neutral position – brace your core and lock everything in before you begin the movement, then pull the bar up, keeping it as close to your shins as possible using your hamstrings, glutes and low back. Remember, the arms are just hooks along for the ride, don’t pull with your arms, unless you want to end up tearing a bicep! We’ve got a great deadlift tutorial on youtube already that we will link to below if you need more assistance.

Exercise #2: Barbell Squats – x5 Reps
Next up – barbell squats using 50% of your 1 rep max. Again, maintain good form, but lift with intensity and be explosive. Take a big belly breath, brace your core, and squat down to parallel. Make sure to keep you head up, back straight, and your knees out. One of the biggest mistake guys make is beginning the movement with their knees. Instead, move your hips back to begin the movement to maintain a proper centre of balance. On the way back up – drive the force with your heels, not your toes.

Exercise #3: Heavy Farmers Walks – x2 Lengths of 50 feet
If there’s one exercise every man should do – it’s the farmers walk. Because picking a weight up off the ground is great – but if you can’t move it anywhere, then what’s the point. Grip the handles a little further back from mid-point, use deadlift form to get them up – and then walk as fast as possible. When you need to turn, make sure to turn your outside arm in so that the weight gets locked behind the inside one. This will help keep the weights from getting out of control on a turn. If you don’t have farmers walk handles – use dumbbells.

Now – if you’ve been struggling to burn off your belly fat. Or worse, your six pack has come at the expense of your hard earned muscle – then we have a simple, yet powerful solution for you.

Blue Star Nutraceuticals Blade – the only clinically tested fat burner designed for men – that will help you drop unwanted belly fat, and will work for you even if you have terrible genetics, a painfully slow metabolism, or if you’re convinced you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked.

How? Simple. It skyrockets your number 1 master fat loss hormone – Norepinephrine.

If you’re ready to burn more fat –

You’ll also notice 2 free fast-action bonuses, MM28 and All Out Ab Attack – designed to get you quicker and more noticeable fat-burning results.

As always – Train Hard – And Finish Strong!
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