Kettlebell Bent Press – Overhead Strength – TechniqueWOD – Episode 140 – Doug Larson

Barbell overhead pressing gets old. There are many other ways to get stronger overhead.

Having truly strong and stable shoulders means being strong and stable in a variety of positions using a variety of different tools and exercises; bodyweight, dumbbells and kettlebells all have their place.

The kettlebell bent press is a great addition if you think adding some variety to you pressing will pull you out of a “plateau” and cause you to gain some new found strength overhead.

Plus, you’ll get some serious loading all along the sides of your torso leading to greater core stability over time.

Note: If you have poor shoulder external rotation then this isn’t the best movement for you.

Try 4 sets of 5 per side (heavy but not close to failure) to finish off your next training session.

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-Doug (@douglaselarson)

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