Abs and Arms Training (My Guy Fawkes Monday Workout): November Challenge on Luschka’s Health Journey

Hello beautiful people, I hope you are well and ready for Christmas – it sure is fast approaching and I am pretty excited!!

And to anticipate what the festivities will (try) do to my body this year, I figured I will get ahead of the situation and BE PREPARED.
So I have put together a workout programme from a couple of courses and research I have done over the last couple of months during Luschka’s Health Journey and I think I may have come up with a winning method (fingers crossed!!) **cues applause**

To join Luschka’s Health Journey, state your intentions in the comment box below or follow where I lay everything down.

Alternatively, let’s connect on social media with #LuschkaHealth with the intention of motivating each other to fulfill our desired health and body goals.

Also, I am officially tossing my hat in the ring and joining #bullyseason – hoping that I qualify .. **crickets**


Total workout time = 4 minutes, 40 seconds
34 seconds ON
7 seconds REST

Moves: Jumping Jacks / Standing crunches / Punch out / Mountain climbers / V-Sit Ups / Plank
(Repeat this video as many times as you need to according to your fitness levels
(or goals) – ALSO make sure that you eat for health / weight-loss to aid your health and fitness journey (details on my blog and Instagram)).

N.B. Health professionals recommend that you workout for at least 20 minutes each day in order to have an effective workout but also remember to TAKE IT EASY, warm up BEFORE EACH WORKOUT, cool down AFTER EACH WORKOUT and STAY HYDRATED ..

Thank you for watching, I hope that this will be beneficial to all of us.

Until next time – tralala ..!

”Even me I want to get my Instagram body” ..! LOL!!

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