The Quest #1 | Beginner Push/Pull Day for Strength


The first phase in this journey consists of building up an adequate foundation of raw strength, as well as flexibility and joint mobility to enable an easier path down the line when it comes to moving towards the more difficult progressions. This phase will consist of an initial set of basic exercises which are performed with the aim to build strength and hypertrophy. These are basic beginner skills, but as they become easier and I build sufficient strength, I will progress as far as is reasonably possible along the skill spectrum, without losing sight of the overall goal of building strength and not overcomplicating things.

The workout routine is 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday. There are 3 Upper Body workouts (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and 3 Lower Body + Core workouts (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). The workouts alternate between a Strength based focus (lower rep ranges (3-6 reps) and more power / weight) and Hypertrophy focus (8-12 rep ranges).

Workout 1 – Upper Body (Day 1)


3 x 10 Burpees
3 x 30s Hollow Position Hold
3 x 30s Straight Arm Ring Hold (building to a rings turned out variation)
3 x 20s German Hang (yes, my form is awful, but I’m working on my mobility!)

Skill Work (emphasis on skill progression):

3 x 30s Wall Handstands
3 x 30s Frog Stands

Strength Work (low reps with 4 minute rest and focus on power in the movement):

5 x 5 Pullups (weighted with 5kg)
5 x 5 Dips (weighted with 5kg)
5 x 5 Ring Rows (weighted with 5kg)
5 x 5 Pushups (weighted with 5kg)

Flexibility + Isolation Work (emphasis on shoring up weaknesses and building flexibility):

2 x 30s Rice Bucket wrist rotations (I need strong wrists for skills)
3 x 10 Wrist Curls (using extra light resistance band) (not shown)
3 x 10 Reverse Hyperextensions (not shown)
3 x 30s Jefferson Curl Stretch (without weight) (not shown)
2 x 20s Wrist Stretches (not shown)

Thanks for watching and feel free to leave a comment or even join along!

Music by Joakim Karud

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