Nut and Seed Butter Recipe from My New Roots’ Sarah Britton

This is a clip from My New Roots’ Sarah Britton 21-day nutrition series: Healthy, Whole and Fit. You can get her full course of Healthy, Whole and Fit nutrition classes online here:

Sarah Britton demonstrates how to make her favorite healthy recipe – nut and seed butter! You can use pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts to make a healthy and delicious butter from nuts or seeds or both.

This 21-day nutrition series will help you discover your full potential through healthy, whole and conscious eating.

We’ll start with the plant-based nutrition fundamentals, where we’ll cover the “Seven Essentials” of a healthy diet: protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, water and digestion. You will learn all of the important ingredients that you should be eating and WHY they are good for you. Next, we’ll cover the essential cooking methods & techniques that allow you to customize your plant-based meals to suit your needs. Finally, I’ll show you a variety of different recipes that use healthy, whole ingredients to target the two things athletes want to improve the most: performance and recovery.

This 3-week program will help you make each plant-based meal an extension of your workouts, aiding your performance, both mentally and physically. You’ll learn the right foods to choose, how to prepare them, and how to eat for optimal nutrition and wellbeing. Even if you have never set foot in a kitchen, this program will take you by the hand and in 21 daily steps inspire you to transform your diet to match your active and healthy lifestyle.

Did you like this nutrition video? You can get the full plant-based nutrition video plan here:

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