Advanced Yoga Class. 78 Min. Deep Strength.

Join Peter, Dean & myself in this Advanced Yoga Practice. A penetrating sequence of poses including a variety of fabulous’ handstand and wall’ backbends, headstand, shoulder stand and other fun balancing poses. The practice starts with an invigorating warm-up moving into a strong series of Standing Poses (using the wall for extra penetration) interspersed with twists, shoulder openers, hip openers and Surya Namaskars. We then move into a series of handstands and forearm balances followed by sitting groin stretches and increasingly advanced forward bends. These are followed by Sirsasana (with a few variations) to heat the spine making it ready for a super fun one-legged backbend sequence that uses the stability of the wall to help us access this challenging pose. Everything after that is a soothing wind-down: a gentle Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana followed by supine leg/hip releasers and of course Savasana.

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