BB Skills and Fitness – Best running Fitness Maximal Aerobic Speed Rugby Session

Best running Rugby Fitness MAS 2 – Here is a rugby fitness session designed for the Army Rugby 7s team. This incorporated getting down and up between sprints and an agility sprint section.

MAS 2 Explained

30 Min Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS). From the start position in the prone position you must run directly to the end cone then get to the prone position with your hands behind the cones then navigate the slalom course back to the start in 20 seconds – 40m (professional level) there and 40m back (80m total in a total 20 seconds) followed by 20 seconds rest. Repeat this continuously for 4 Minutes with 2 Minutes rest – Repeat this 5 times.

Equipment Required
9 Cones
Digital wrist watch
If you do not have measuring wheel 1m is generally one large step or measure 5 metres of string to use as a reference.
If the session is to difficult reduce to a lower level .


Cones are always placed 5 metres apart:

Beginner – 7 cones
Intermediate – 8 cones
Professional – 9 cones

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