BB Skills and Fitness – Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) Rugby 7s cardio training HIIT

MAS Explained:

40m course with 9 cones placed 5m apart.

27 Min Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) with Rugby Ball. You must run to the first cone forwards then back to the start backwards then complete the course in 20 seconds – 50m there and 40m back (90m total in a total 20 seconds) followed by 20 seconds rest continuously for 6 Minutes with a 3 Minutes rest – Repeat this 3 times. On the return you must navigate and slalom through the cones.

Equipment Required

9 Cones

A ball to make it more specific to Rugby

Digital wrist watch

If you do not have measuring wheel 1m is generally one large step or measure 5 metres of String to use as a reference.

If the session is to difficult reduce the distance slightly. You should aim to be able to complete this session.

Tunes are required

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