BJJ – Killer Grip Strength Exercises!

I’ve worked so closely with Nick “Chewy” Albin these past 8 years, I’ve listen to countless of his podcast, videos, lectures, and his ever so elegant rambles.

Almost all of his seminars, social media, and in person I’ve witness a trend of questions.

One that sticks out the most is “How Do I Improve My Grip Strength”.

The obvious answer is the most clear, which is just do Jiu Jitsu.

You could say I do a lot of training, doing so indirectly trains my grip. I would never recommend to someone to directly train your grip.


The overall benefits of directly training your grip is small compared that of indirect training it will receive from compound exercises to focus on overall strength, power, and conditioning.

Now, if you feel individually you NEED to work on directly training your grip to improve strength there are a few recommendations I may have.

I would like to add I would not do these until the end of my workout, and maybe 1-2 days a week. You’ll be working with smaller muscle groups and can easily be stress to the point of overtraining.

Doing these three exercises will compliment your grip when doing Jiu Jitsu, but ultimately you will need to develop that grip strength through Jiu Jitsu.

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