Blade Burnout Fat Loss Workout – Faster Fat Loss

Ever wonder how some guys can burn off 5, 10, or even 20 lbs of pure body fat – almost effortlessly – even from that hard to lose abdominal area?

The truth is, it’s pretty easy once you know what you’re doing…

Today, Blue Star Nutraceuticals Pro-Trainer Matt Stirling is going to take you through one of his absolute favourite workouts to crank up your #1 fat burning hormone, Norepinephrine – turning your body into a fat-burning furnace for up to 38 hours after you perform it.

I’m sure you’re thinking – Norepinephrine – what? Simply put – Norepinephrine is the master fat-burning hormone. It’s the direct activator of fat metabolism. It breaks down fat and preserves lean muscle.

It’s the hormone your body releases during high-intensity interval training like 100 meter sprints or hitting the heavy bag.

That’s why when our research and development team formulated our fat-burner for men, Blade™ – their primary goal was to increase norepinephrine.

The end result – 30 million doses sold around the world due to a mind-blowing 178% increase in norepinephrine – helping break down the fat you already have, transporting it to be burned off as energy, increasing your metabolic rate, blunting your hunger – and preventing that fat from ever coming back again.

Simply put – pure, uninterrupted fat burning – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ok – think you can handle the heat? Let’s get the workout started.

Blade Burnout Workout:

The structure is simple. 5 Exercises – 1 minute of work for each with 30 seconds rest between them. You’ll be repeating them in circuit style for a total of 4 rounds. At the end of each round you will have 2 minutes to recover – that means the entire workout should be completed within 35 minutes.

This workout combines explosive exercises taxing the entire body, along with incomplete rest intervals that compound on top of each other – making each round progressively more difficult.

This high intensity training will create an oxygen debt post exercise, and force your body into working overdrive, burning calories at an accelerated rate for up to 38 hours after you finish your 35-minute session.

As always, the full workout will be listed for you in the description below.

Get those timers ready, and pop a serving of Blade. The Blade Burnout begins now!

Blade Burnout Workout:
Exercise #1: Body Weight Sled Push [1Min – AMRAP]
Exercise #2: Battle Ropes [1Min – AMRAP]
Exercise #3: Pull Up Burpees [1Min – AMRAP]
Exercise #4: Box Jumps [1Min – AMRAP]
Exercise #5: Explosive Push-Ups [1Min – AMRAP]

Exercise #1: Bodyweight Sled Sprints
To start off the workout, load 50% of your bodyweight in plates on a sled and perform sprints back and forth – as many as you can in 1 minute. Be sure to push hard and keep your core braced.

Exercise #2: Battle Ropes
Take a good stance, feet about shoulder-width, knees bent and throw those ropes with intensity – be sure to use your whole body for the movement, don’t just rely on your arms.

Exercise #3: Pull Up Burpees
This exercise combines two movements – a pull up and a burpee. Jump up, perform a pull up then throw yourself down and sprawl back right into a burpee – think speed and full body explosiveness here. If you can’t perform a pull up – just perform normal burpees until your strength is built up.

Exercise #4: Box Jumps
Use a plyo box or platform above knee height – squat down and jump onto the box with head-to-toe power and momentum – then back down and repeat.

Exercise #5: Explosive Push-Ups
Simple – Get into push-up position and try to push the ground away from you as fast as possible. Ideally, you should be able to clap your hands together mid-air without falling on your face. Keep your core tight during this exercise.

And that’s the end of round 1! Now that you’ve got the sweat pouring, take a quick 2-minute breather – then get right back to it for another 3 rounds.

Did you make it through? If so let us know in the comments below.

As always – Smash the thumbs up button if you liked this video and want to burn fat faster. And be sure to subscribe to Blue Star Nutraceuticals for more killer workouts and videos just like this.

Until next time, Feel The Burn and Finish Strong!
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