Bodybuilding During Ramadan – Supplements/Training/Diet

Bodybuilding in ramadan can be tough and challenging especially if you’re trying to get stronger and bigger and possibly even add on a few pounds of muscle mass during Ramadan. In this video, I explain the best way to eat, train and supplement during Ramadan, whether you can stay up all night, or if you’ve got to get some sleep! Main thing for those concerned with gaining weight and muscle mass during ramadan is to try to be in a caloric surplus every single day. This will ensure that your muscles can undergo hypertrophy whilst training, helping you grow/maintain your muscle mass during Ramadan.

More in depth videos will be coming out the closer we get to ramadan inshaAllah. I plan on doing TRAINING DURING RAMADAN video as well as FOOD IN RAMADAN and SUPPLEMENTS IN RAMADAN for both gaining muscle and for cutting. Stay tuned for more, dont forget to subscribe!

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