Bodybuilding Posing & the Mind Muscle Connection

*Check it out!!! John Hanson shares how to pose to develop the MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION!*

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If you want to compete on stage as a bodybuilder, you must learn the mandatory bodybuilding poses. Listen and learn as Natural Champion John Hansen coaches shows you how to have great stage presence and DOMINATE the competition by developing the mind muscle connection!

Most people really do not pose enough to really have that IMPACT come stage day! Posing is more than just “striking a few” in the gym at the end of your workout. To be honest, real posing practice is exhausting work and most often feels like a workout itself.

When you pose it’s different than working out. You are developing a MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION and learning how to flex those muscles so that they look good in each of your individual poses. And THIS takes a lot of practice . . . months of practice to get it down effectively and become an ALL STAR POSER!

When it comes to posing you really have to be honest with yourself and know what poses look best for your physique so you can show off all your hard work. Simply liking a pose does not mean it’s going to look good on you so why spend time practicing something that does not make you STAND OUT AMONG THE CROWD!

When you know what poses look best on your physique and you practice them enough, they will become so NATURAL to you when you are up on stage that you will be able to pose with no effort at all. You will make it look so easy that it will appear effortless and the audience will ENJOY WATCHING YOU!!!

But again this takes PRACTICE. Lots and lots of practice. So when you are planning your training blocks and your nutrition be sure to put as much time into your posing practice and ROCK THE STAGE!

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