Booty & legs Workout | Weight loss exercise | Women Workout

Booty & legs Workout | Weight loss exercise | Women Workout

This workout is designed to maximize fat loss while toning and defining leg and glute muscles. It is recommended to perform the workout below two times weekly for optimal results.

Circuit resistance training is a great way to burn fat and build muscle. The training in this workout is designed to get your heart pumping while at the same time toning and defining muscles. Resistance training is a great way to rev up your metabolism and keep it going, even at rest.

Equipment Needed: One set of Dumbbells of medium weight (optional barbell for squats); leg press machine; leg extension machine; leg curl machine; flat bench or step approximately 12″ to 16″, for step-ups.

What to Do: All fitness levels perform 12 repetitions of each move; rest 15 seconds after each move; rest one minute after each circuit. View video demonstrations below for correct form.

Beginner Level: Complete one circuit
Intermediate Level: Complete three circuits
Advanced Workout: Complete four circuits


1. Squats (wide stance squats with dumbbells or barbell)
2. Stiff Legged Dead lifts
3. Dumbbell Lunges
4. Leg Press
5. Leg Extensions
6. Leg Curl
7. Step-ups
8. Calf Raises

In order to gain the most benefit from this or any other workout, it is important to set aside 30-45 minutes for performing each routine. Also, track your progress so you will know if increases should be made in weight, sets or repetition.

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