BULLETPROOF ABS | 5 BEST Six Pack Exercises

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In this video you will learn how to get strong six pack abs using exercises which actually work! None of the exercises require equipment or weights, meaning you can workout at home without needing a gym membership.

The dragon flag, hollow body hold, front plank, side plank, hanging knee and leg raise are all highly effective core exercises. If you are looking to get a strong 6 pack, make sure to follow the video and include the advice in your training and workouts.


  1. FitnessFAQs says:

    Europe Workshop Tour 2019:

  2. Brythonic says:

    What kind of Dragon Flags? Targaryen or Blackfyre?

  3. Keizer says:

    Eating a complete nutella jar while I watch the video!

  4. Dan says:

    Hey dan, nice vid.
    Dan i think your chest is botched out i think you need to work on it because it looks saggy , sorry to say this

  5. hansy millery says:

    I’ve tried pretty much every ab exercise there is and dragon flags are definitely the best ab exercise in my experience. I started doing them a month ago and I am making constant gains from them, even though I’m a pretty advanced lifter.

    So yeah, this video is very legit. Thanks Daniel!