CARDIO VS WEIGHTS | Best For Weight Loss

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Cardio VS. Weights For fat loss

How does exercise impact weight loss?

What is better for weight loss, cardio or weights?


  1. Emanuel says:

    Wow ! Exactly what I’ve been thinking today ! :))) amazing timing.

    I’m curious, can lifting weights actually burn a lot of calories for advanced lifters? I see so many bodybuilders do barely any cardio maintain at 3000kcal+ a day with just weights! And they aren’t super tall / heavy

    • Emanuel says:

      +Jon Luna hey thanks! Thats actually extremely useful !!

    • Jon Luna says:

      Emanuel I’m 185lbs, around 13% BF, 5’9 My BMR is around 1900. I train 5-7 days a week and I’ve been training for 3 years.

      I’m currently in a weight cut. My calories range from 2000-2400 a day depending on my physical activity and I only do resistance training. Proteins and fats are high and carbs are low. The only time I really consume carbs is before i train. I eat simple carbs like cheesecake, pop tarts, whatever will digest fast. That combined with my pre W.O. Allows me to get in a great workout and still maintain a caloric deficit because those carbs are being used to fuel my training. Even though I’m cutting I still train as if I’m trying to build muscle.

      This is what works for me. Hopefully some of this info might be useful for you.

    • Emanuel says:

      +Paul Revelia okay, but say im about 18% bf, have lifted for nearly 2 years now, always do big compounds etc. Height is 5 foot 10, weight 78kg. the TDEE calculators are giving me anywhere from 1900-2700 calories! The part where it says ‘activity level’ is totally inaccurate :/

    • Paul Revelia says:

      Oh yes you surely can burn a lot of calories with resistance training depending on style and experience. As I said, once you are lean it’s a lot easier to maintain it if diet is good.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you

  3. Noura A says:

    Thank you that was very helpful

  4. kellybananabelly says:

    Would you say 20-25 pounds as a lot to lose? Or would that fall into the category of not a lot to lose and so weight training would be more beneficial?

  5. Debora A L says:

    I competed on my first Bikini competition about 3 weeks ago. I do not reverse diet and I can’t seem to stop eating. I already weigh the same weigh as I did at the begging of prep. I am always bloated and feel over weight but I can’t seem to stop eating. What do you recommend? I love how all your videos are all so informative!! Thank you 🙏🏽