Do You Need Cardio to Lose Fat?

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What do you usually see when you walk into a gym? Usually what you’re going to see is tons of people, cardio bunnies, gym enthusiasts squaded up by the treadmill, by the bikes, by the ellipticals, and these people have come to believe that more cardio equals more results.

So they think that you need to do tons of cardio work and be bound by the treadmill to see any noticeable fat loss results. And this kind of flawed thinking prevents people from wanting to make a change and actually go to the gym because they think that you have to spend hours and hours on the treadmill to burn fat and get abs.

The good news is you do not have to be bound by the treadmill to see fat loss results and burn your fat. In fact too much cardio can actually be counterproductive, because when you’re doing excessive cardio, you’re burning fat but you’re also burning muscle. So what usually happens to people who do all this cardio is they become skinny fat. They become skinny and they don’t have the abs to show for it. They become flabby and it’s not a good look and I’m guessing that’s not how you want to look either.

What you need to realize is 80 percent of the fat loss equation comes down to your diet and the way you structure your diet for fat loss. You have to be in a calorie deficit, you have burn more calories than you’re eating to burn fat. And then the other 20 percent is where exercise comes into play and this is where you want to utilize weight lifting and resistance training instead of tons and tons of cardio. When you’re using resistance training and you’re lifting weights, you’re burning fat but you’re also retaining and preserving your lean muscle mass. So you get to keep all the muscle but you’re still burning fat, this makes you have a chiseled physique rather than a skinny fat physique.

So you do not have to be bound by the treadmill or any type of cardio machine to see effective fat loss results. You can focus your efforts on being more efficient with your diet and using resistance training and that is going to be where the bulk of your results are going to come from. You can add in cardio to speed up your results but it’s definitely not necessary. You can also do it to get the cardiovascular benefits, but again it is not necessary, it is optional.

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