TLDR: I’m another human being that knows what its like to live at 53% bf to 4% bf. The larger number sucks and I know it. My videos are to have fun and help people achieve their personal transformation story. Watch me live a dope life and see how I do it.
Music By: Black Coast
-Go support them@
Remixed By: Lucian
-Go support them@
But in all seriousness, the boy you see in these photos was actually me. And this is my story. At a young age I didn’t really understand that what I ate had an effect on my weight. And as a child I wasn’t able to buy my own groceries so I could only really eat what my family provided. My mum ran a booth in an arts show which meant a lot of traveling and takeout foods. Until the age of 12 I ate a Big Mac from MacDonald’s almost weekly and juice and chocolate milk was my drink of choice. So… there I am at 12 years old and I am what most healthcare professionals call obese(Grossly overweight). I didn’t know it at the time but my weight was a serious health issue and I was on a path of an intense Call of duty and Minecraft gamer that had almost no physical activity in my life. I was victim of daily bullying and comments aimed at my body and I hated myself for it. Despite the lack of confidence and self esteem and horrible body image, I was happy. I loved joking around with my friends I loved to laugh and smile and have fun. But there was always that little voice in the back of my head reminding me that I was fat. Shane Koyczan created an extremely powerful spoken word poem called ‘To This Day’ If you haven’t watched this video please check it out. I can empathize with this poem as I shared the nickname pork chop and I felt a lot of the same things he did too. One day I realized that I didn’t want to live my life feeling this way about myself and asked my mom to go on a diet with me. She picked a diet that one of her friends was successful with and we followed it. A few years later I found myself in grade nine 60lbs lighter and feeling great. But I was still not happy with the way I looked. My confidence grew but I was never satisfied with it. In grade nine I joined the football and rowing team and got a gym membership at a local gym in an attempt to be more active and maybe lose more weight. In grade eleven, after still not seeing the results that I wanted, I began doing research on the science behind bodybuilding and started to follow several natural bodybuilders on YouTube. After seeing these bodybuilders I knew that I had to do what they did in order to look like they do. So I contacted the personal trainer at the gym I went to and asked him what he knew about bodybuilding. He looked at me and said that I have the right genetics for the sport and that I should compete. Bam there I was, I had a goal and I had a coach. We worked together for about sixteen weeks preparing for my first junior bodybuilding show and came out with an unexpected first place trophy and a physique that I’ve only dreamed of. The story doesn’t end there but now that you know the beginning. This channel is going to follow me on my journey to consistently “Do better Tomorrow “-Mr. Hickey 2015 . I’m here to guide you through what worked and what didn’t and were going to do a lot of stupid entertaining shit along the way. LET’S BE BETTER TOGETHER!