EP.66 – Do You Need to Train to Failure for Strength and Hypertrophy?

EP.66 – Training to Failure Does NOT make you stronger

Some of Jacob’s favourite papers on training to failure:
This one looks at 4 & 2 sets not to failure vs 4 sets taken to failure and shows that the group training to failure had significantly less strength adaptation than the groups doing less total work.

This one used maximum vs half maximum sets and looked at the acute fatigue effects and time to recover power (vertical leap)

Two similar papers from Gonzalez-Badillo looking at high-moderate-low volume training that show moderate volume training is superior to excessively high or low.

This study used 20% vs 40% velocity loss across the set to determine volume and found the group that was only allowed a 20% drop (and therefore stayed further from fatigue) achieved better training results over 8 weeks.

Another study looking into the acute effects of training to failure or submaximally

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