Fat Loss GUARANTEED without exercise || मोटापा घटायें हमेशा के लिए ||Best Fat loss Tips (in Hindi)

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Hi guys Mera naam hai Ankur and welcome to my channel . In this video , I want to talk about last how you can achieve your fat loss goals without even exercising . I have been really fat guy in the past but now things have changed, now I have abs which I maintain all year round. in this video I want to share with you the best fat loss tips that have helped me fat loss journey and that I implement on a daily basis to Stay Lean all year round. 1.First and the biggest tip I can give you for fat loss is that you need to improve your relationship with food . Many people think of foods as good foods and bad foods and that’s a really big problem that’s foods . You need to get out of this mentality if you think of certain foods are Good and bad abs you completely eliminate bad foods. That approach leads to fat loss but that’s for short term .It starts affecting your lifestyle for example you start avoiding social events .what this does is that it do it makes your life miserable and instead of enjoying your life ,you make your life because you think if I go out if I eat the some burger or some pizza or some fried food I will completely doing my diet. that’s one of the biggest mistake I have done in the past during my fat loss . The solution to this is that guys obviously some foods are good for your health some foods are not so good for your health and that doesn’t mean that you’ll eliminate that your favourite food from your diet you just need to reduce the overall quantity slowly and steadily so that you are in caloric deficit and caloric deficit should be small
2.2. Aim for small caloric deficit which is sustainable over long term.That’s another important point guys you don’t need to follow a crash diet you don’t need to completely cut your calories you need to slowly cut your calories because guys fast fat loss is not sustainable in the long term in most cases . You don’t want to stay lean for 1 month or 2 month, you want to lose fat forever you want to stay lean for the rest of your life. that’s why I say guys stay in just a small calorie deficit . Some of the other fat loss tips I share in the video are as follows
3.Include high protein foods into your diet
4. Include high fibre foods into your diet
5. Keep yourself hydrated all the time
6. Chew food slowly without any external distraction
7. Keep yourself busy
I hope you liked the video

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