FitKitz / Body Kit / HIIT FIT / Beginner / Week 7 – Session 1 / hiit abs workouts at home / fitness

Welcome to week seven of our HIIT FIT beginner programme, designed to do exactly as it says on the tin – get you HIIT FIT! This 8 week beginner programme slowly progresses and builds week on week to get your fitness and stamina up. By week 8 you’ll be completing full blown Tabata style workouts at home!

Each week you’ll have a HIIT cardio style workout and a strength workout to follow, both using just your own bodyweight. We recommend doing the HIIT workout one to two times a week and the strength session once a week. All you need for these workouts is your own body weight (and a mat for extra comfort). For some of the workouts you’ll need a chair or solid coffee table to perform some of the exercises – but we’ll let you know at the beginning of each workout exactly what you need and an outline of what you can expect.

Once you’ve completed the beginner programme, you can follow straight onto the intermediate programme where the workouts are stepped up. After 16 weeks, you should really notice the difference in your fitness, endurance and be feeling strong.

All of our workouts include a 2 minute warm up. Once you’ve completed the session we recommend you stretch it out and hydrate.

Week 7 Session 1 is a tabata style hiit workout giving you a full body workout from your legs to your abs. You won’t need any equipment for this workout.

The format is as follows:

Four rounds / 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off each exercise

1. Jumping jacks
2. Plank shoulder taps
3. Forward lunge
4. Leg raises
5. High knees
6. Speed skaters

1. Press ups
2. Mountain climbers
3. Forward lunge
4. Overhead punches
5. Backward lunge
6. Squats
7. High knees
8. Tuck jumps

1. High knees
2. Jumping jacks
3. Burpees
4. Squat pulses
5. Speedbag punches
6. Toe touch jumps
7. Overhead punches
8. Burpees

1. Squats
2. Squat pulses
3. Squat jumps
4. Mountain climbers
5. Toe touch jumps
6. Jump lunges

We hope you enjoy our workouts and don’t forget to share your progress with us on social media, we’d love to hear from you!

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