Freestyle Aerobic with Folk Music 170716 -4

REMAX’s new dance program. Inspired by traditional Chinese enthnic dance and modern aerobic dance, we designed this low-impact but fun exercise program for everyone. Workout to folk music, pop songs and many other music genre.Enjoy the music and move with the rhythm and beats. Sunday 4-6 pm at PS 105. 藝術健康舞 適合所有成年人參與,無需舞蹈經驗。 舞蹈編排以增強血液循環,加強身體柔軟度及靈活性為目的。有別於一般節奏過快的健身操,動作設計強調藝術性和美感,以民族舞蹈為基礎,剛柔並濟,融合太極,現代舞,社交舞,伸展及健身操等元素,配上各種風格的民族或流行音樂, 希望學員在音樂中輕鬆達到修身健心,擴闊社交圈子的目的。 逢星期日 下午4-6時 @PS105

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