Full Body circuit training targeting weight loss, body fat & muscle tone

Full body circuit training targeting weight loss, body fat & muscle tone

Work for 2 minutes and Rest for 2 minutes
*Its fine if you need more rest

Flow 1: 2 minutes
* 2 Press-ups
* 2 Rows
* 2 Clean
* 2 Squats

Flow 2: 2 minutes
* 6 Swings
* 6 Upright row
* 6 Back lunges

Flow 3: 2 minutes
* From Sumo hold position – 1 Bicep curl
* Into Back lunge – 1 overhead Tricep extension
* Back to Sumo hold and repeat

Have fun 🙂 Remember to always push yourself and stay positive
Please leave me a comment and let me know how you get on!

A big thanks to my training buddy Evros 🙂 Check him out on Instagram evros_pt

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