Genetics: The Most Important Factor in Bodybuilding

#Genetics #Bodybuilding #Muscle #Fitness #Fit #MrOlympia #Natural #Bodybuilders #Fit #Sports

Do YOU have good or bad genetics?
What is considered GOOD genetics?
How do you find out what kind of genetics you have?
Do you have the right genetics for bodybuilding?

These are all questions that are asked often in the world of sport and fitness, and while we may hear from the champions of the sport that its all about ‘hard work’ – science tends to differ. This argument is not gospel and in no way is it the be all and end all. I may be completely wrong but from observing the elite competitors of bodybuilding and those who try time and time again to no avail, this is the conclusion I have come to. With that being said, the answer to this discussion may never suffice and opinions must be prepare to be changed as time moves on and more research provides us with more knowledge.


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