Ghrelin & Sleep – How Sleep Effects Fatloss!

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Getting a bad night of sleep can really effect your weightloss goals. In this video, Strength & Conditioning coach and sports nutritionist, Brian Klepacki shares how poor sleep effects your hunger hormone; ghrelin!

We put so much effort into our day and accomplishing the things we have to get done but we forget about sleep. But sleep is VITALLY important to our health and our weightloss.

Ghrelin is a hormone that is produced in the stomach when the stomach is empty and sends a signal to your brain that you are hungry. This is necessary to prepare the body to consume calories.

But if you’re looking to curb your appetite, or slow down ghrelin from being as aggressive as it can be, sleep can help you keep it under control. Watch to learn how to get a better night sleep and how that can help you control your appetite!

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