High Intensity Training HIIT Workout for Weight Loss, Burn Fat, and Fitness

High Intensity Training HIIT for Weight Loss, Burn Fat, and Fitness. This a video that contain few workout to weight loss and can burn fat also. With this exercise we can improve our fitness state too.

Whit this workout we can do some workout or exercise at home without any huge equipment.

HIIT is high intensity interval training with many benefit for our body. You can do this exercise within 1 reps a day, 3 times a week.

HIIT is an exercise that alternated with rest between exercise. The interval for rest is 15 seconds and do the exercise bout 30 seconds

You only just follow the exercise in this video.

Before you do this workout please check your fitness state, is it good or bad. And don’t forget check your Heart Rate too.

After you do this HIIT Workout, check again your heart rate to control your training zone.

For improving your physical fitness the training zone is between 60%-85% from your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). The formulation to determine your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) is = 220-Age

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