High Intensity Training Workouts for Fat Loss for Beginners

How HIIT Challenges the Body and Improves Fat Loss.

If you’ve read just about any fitness blog, magazine or website in recent years, then you’ll likely have come across HIIT.

HIIT: High intensity interval training. Sprinting at maximum heartrate for a short period of time and then switching to a slower form of exercise for a couple of minutes to recover before starting the whole cycle again.
High intensity Interval Training Workouts:

This type of training is all the rage because it is known to burn more calories in less time when compared with steady state cardio. And it’s great for our VO2 max, mitochondrial function and more.

Weight loss tips,fat burning workouts,and the best weight loss plan for you.ttp://www.hiit-burningfat.com/
Workout Practices for Beginner:
But why? How does it work? What makes it so HIIT special?

What Happens When You Push it Hard

When you engage in High Intensity Interval Training, you start out by pushing hard and going at or near to your maximum heart rate. This is what makes all the difference, as now you are depleting your body of all of its readily available energy in order to drive those fast twitch muscle fibers. This is anaerobic training and it relies on ATP stored in the muscles, as well as glycogen.

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