Home Workouts With Pamela | Plyometrics, Abs and Legs Workout

We don’t always have time to dedicate an hour to working out. These workouts with staff member, Pamela Reittinger will come in handy if you are short on time or can’t make it to the gym. Follow for the next 4 weeks as we release a home workout series. These workouts are quick and you will see yourself getting stronger each day. Watch the video, write down the listed workout, and grab a timer!

ACTIVE CARDIO : 40-60 Butt Kicks or Jog In Place
(These should be done between each Exercise)
(Beginners who are struggling to complete 40-60 reps may remove the active cardio or simply lower the reps to between10-20)
AC: Butt Kicks
– Walk Out & ½ Burpee
– Side Crunches on both Sides
– Single Leg Reverse Crunch
10 Reps for Beginners 20 Reps for advanced Persons.
20 Min Workout for A.M.R.A.P. (as many rounds as possible)

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Leave video or picture of you doing the workouts down in the comments below and we will tell you what we think and hold you accountable!
Want us to give you feed back on your workouts???
Leave video or picture of you doing the workouts down in the comments below and we will tell you what we think and hold you accountable!

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