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You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee.

So, first things first. Pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick.

My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee.

I’m also strength & nutrition coach, I hold several powerlifting world records, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my writing featured in a variety of outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, and

But listen.

This channel isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is.

It’s a place where you and I can chat.

I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not.

And that’s totally cool.

Either way, my goal here is to create a discussion. A place where you and I can get together, exchange ideas, and motivate each other to be better every day.

Like I said, we’re gonna drink a lot of coffee together — borderline dangerous amounts — but I’m excited. Because there aren’t too many online communities in which the sole purpose is to inspire and motivate one another.

And that’s exactly what you and I are going to do here.

To your success,


What’s going on, YouTube? Today, we are talking about how to lose weight fast. Beforehand, welcome to my bedroom. In my bed right now. Sometimes, I like to do those wicked nice videos with really nice microphones and my film guy, David, comes in and other times, I’m like, dude, I just want to film from my bed. That’s what we’re doing today from New York City and again, we’re talking about rapid fat loss. Now, the reason I want to talk about this is because it’s one of the most common questions that I get in my direct message, in my email, Facebook, Instagram, comments, whatever. Jordan, how do I lose weight fast? How do I lose five kilograms in the next week? How do I lose 10 kilograms in the next two weeks? How do I lose as much weight as quickly as possible? And there’s a time and a place for rapid fat loss. There is definitely a time and a place when it’s valuable, when it’s valid, when it’s worth while but the thing is most people when they message me saying, how do I lose weight quickly, most people who are probably watching this learning okay, how am I going to lose weight very quickly? The issue is you tend to be looking for the fastest way to reach your goal which is that lower weight, that less fat but this turns into a massive problem because the goal is not to get to a certain weight. That’s not the goal. No one wants to get to a very low body fat and then regain it all back, right? The goal is not to get there. The goal is to get there and maintain it and that’s what most people have the most trouble with. It’s not necessarily losing fat. Anyone can lose fat. The issue that most people have is actually maintaining it, not yo-yoing back up and so all these people who are constantly asking me, how do I lose weight quickly, how do I lose weight as fast as possible, I will always ask them, well, have you done it before and almost always they’ll be like yes and I’ll be like, well, what happened? Well, I lost it but then I gained it all back. I was binge eating or I couldn’t stick with it. I’m like, so why do you want to fucking do that again? Why do you want to keep doing that cycle over and over and over again because here’s the deal. When your goal, when your mindset is lose as quickly as possible, your strategy changes and it goes to doing unsustainable things that are unrealistic, very uncomfortable and you can’t do them forever. So instead of making your goal how do I lose weight as quickly as possible, your goal should be along the lines of if it’s fat loss related, how can I lose weight and maintain that weight loss forever and when your goal goes from a seven day, 14 day, 21 day, 30 day fix to five year, 10 year, lifelong plan, all of a sudden, you start to really think in more realistic terms because it’s no longer a month long fix. It’s like, okay, so I’m going to get there and then what? And that’s the issue. The issue is when most people, they’re like, okay, so I’m going to do this cleanse for 21 days or I’m going to do this outrageously strict diet for two weeks, for three weeks, for four weeks, whatever and then they get to reach their goal and they’re like, okay, great, I’m done and then they binge and then they have all the candy and the breads and all the meals that they, they go right back to what they were doing before and they gain it all back and usually more and that’s just demoralizing beyond belief. They think, oh my God, what am I doing wrong and it’s just a whole big mess of a perpetual cycle of never achieving what you really want.

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