Is CrossFit Good for Losing Weight? (Can You Lose Fat?)

CrossFit Athlete and NPC Bikini Competitor Michelle DiCapua shares her expert opinion on using CrossFit for losing weight.

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CrossFit training has become super popular over the last decade plus. It’s best known for creating really explosive, strong and powerful athletes, but is it really good for losing weight? Does training like this help with losing fat like cardio or more traditional weight lifting programs?

CrossFit often gets a bad reputation for being tremendously hard and leaving beginner level athletes injured. Of course, losing weight while injured isn’t very easy to do.

Michelle feels that absolutely CrossFit training can be very good for weight loss if you don’t overdo and know your limitations. As with most things in life, you can’t just jump in and do what every other person is doing. Take things slowly, learn the technique and skills you need for the more complex lifts. Listen to your coaches and instructors and you have to eat clean and focus on your diet.

The HIIT style approach with CrossFit certainly helps with fat loss results. High Intensity Interval Training is very good for fat burning and making good use of your time considering the high volume with limited rest in most CrossFit style workouts.

So the verdict is YES, CF is terrific for losing weight as long as you’re consistent, know your limits, stay injury free and pay close attention to your diet.

So basically ANY form of physical activity if intense, diverse and safe enough considering your level can be great for fat loss, you just need to spend a certain number of hours doing it each week. Remember, Movement = Calorie Burning.

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