Kali Muscle is a natural athlete? Debunking, contradictions, review of the bodybuilding star

Kali Muscle is a natural athlete? Debunking, contradictions, review of the bodybuilding star. Debunking of bodybuilding stars
I have 20 years of personal trainers, is a champion in bodybuilding and I have a lot of feedback from my clients before and after.
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To train with me on Skype contact: uabiceps@gmail.com

Hi, my name is Yuri Spasokukotsky . And I help people change their body , their training programs using skype and viber and through e-mail. My e-mail uabiceps@gmail.com
I have written two books on how to build the body of your dreams, and I have a website www.biceps.ua where you can see hundreds of reviews of people that I have helped to find a body of which they dreamed . I train more than 20 years , and a personal trainer for over 15 years . Many times I became the champion of amateur tournaments on fitness and bodybuilding . And among my students also have a prize winner at such events .
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