Live Grip Strength Training Demo

GRIP STRENGTH! Make Your own grip equipment.
Also, 3 Killer Grip Workouts for each piece of new Training Equipment! That’s right, I show you what to buy, how to build the equipment, and 30 different ways to train with the new additions to your training arsenal!

Do you ever have trouble holding onto the bar for pull-ups?
Do you ever find it hard to finish a set because your hands give out?
Do you feel like you could put on more muscle if your hands were just a little stronger?
Do you find your hands are the first to go when you are performing longer sets in your training?
Does it feel like your numbers in the gym suffer because of your weak hand strength?
Have you been told that your hand shake is like holding a dead fishf??

Start building the incredible grip strength needed to start bending nails, bolts, and steel with their bare hands TODAY

Do YOU Want to Develop
the Hand Strength that will
Increase Your Performance in the Gym,
Help You Play Better in Sports,
While Also Giving You the Power
to Rip Entire Decks of Playing Cards in Half in Just Seconds?

Card tearing requires you to call upon all of the muscles in the upper body: the chest, the back, the shoulders, the arms, and the abs.

There are many benefits you will get from tearing cards:

– Stronger Hands
– Stronger Wrists
– Stronger Fingers and Thumbs
– Mental Toughness
– Winning Attitude
– Lots of Fun!

Why Should You Listen to Me about Card Tearing?

As an athlete, I have been training seriously for strength and fitness since 1999.

Since 2003, I have competed in nearly a dozen Strongman competitions and more Grip Strength contests than anyone else in the United States.

I have been tearing cards and bending nails for over 6 years. I have been fortunate enough to have competed with and learned from some of the men with the strongest hands on the planet.

As a strength coach, I have lectured at many strength and conditioning clinics and conferences and have written dozens of Grip Strength articles on,, and

I have taught athletes, fellow strength coaches, and grip strength competitors about card tearing.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, (CSCS)

I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.

Why am I telling you this? Because I have been through the trenches as both a strength enthusiast who has spracticed these feats of strength, and I have years of experience in the field, studying the best ways to build strength and stay healthy, and I understand how to instruct others.

When it comes to your training workouts, you can do whatever style of training you want.

– You can do Powerlifting.
– You can do Strongman.
– You can lift Kettlebells.
– You can do Hand Balancing.
– You can do CrossFit.
– You can do Parkour.
– And MORE…

Me? I do feats of strength, like card tearing.

After introducing Grip Training to my routine, here are some of the improvements I saw:

My Seated Dumbbell Curl went from about 60-65 lbs to 85 lbs
My Power Clean went from 225 lbs to 255 lbs
I Deadlifted 405 without using an alternated Grip
I began routinely performing sets of 5 to 8 reps with 275 lbs in the Bent Over Barbell Row (instead of only one or two)
I could do 120-lb Dumbbell Bench Presses without shaking
I no longer needed straps for Pull-ups, Pull-downs, Seated Cable Rows, and other pulling movements
My Squat went from high 400’s to 525
Did a One Arm DB Snatch with a 150 lb Dumbbell with NO HOOK GRIP!

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Live Grip Strength Training Demo

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