This ginger-molasses protein bread-cake is 6x higher in protein compared to traditional recipes and still keeps it’s soft, spongy texture!

As a plant-based athlete, it is always good to focus on getting protein in every meal or snack to maintain muscle mass. Keep in mind, you should not over-do protein pre-workout, but a little bit, 5-15g, is definitely beneficial.

Ingredient Facts!
Blackstrap Molasses:
– high in essential vitamins and minerals
– great source of iron
– supports red blood cell production
– reduces fatigue
Silken Tofu:
– adds a complete protein
– you can’t taste it
– breads that are high in protein are usually very dry and crumbly – NOT THIS ONE!!!
Apple Sauce:
– replaces oil
– lowers calories from fat – better for pre-workout!
Avocado Oil:
– best oil to use at high temperatures – smoke point = 520F
– used to grease the loaf pan

makes 8 servings
1 serving contains: 255 calories, 6g protein
Good pre-workout fuel because it is low in fat, high in a mix of complex and simple carbs, and has a decent amount of protein!

– 2 cups of Flour – I used 0.5 cup buckwheat and 1.5 cups GF oat flour
– 0.5 tbsp cinnamon
– 2 tsp baking powder
– 1.5 tsp ginger, ground
– 0.25 tsp baking soda
– 0.25 tsp cloves, ground
– 1 tsp salt
– 300g = 1 package Silken Tofu
– 0.5 cup Blackstrap Molasses – great source of iron
– 0.3 cup Maple Syrup
– 0.25 cup Brown Sugar or coconut sugar
– 0.25 cup Apple Sauce – a butter replacement

1. Preheat oven to 350F
2. Grease a loaf pan with a little coconut oil or avocado oil, wipe with a paper towel to get the corners well
3. Mix dry ingredients well in a large mixing bowl
4. Blend or process wet ingredients
5. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients
6. Fold together with a spatula -try your best to not over-mix
7. transfer mixture into greased loaf pan
8. Bake for 35-45 mins – depends on oven, Id check at 35 mins, you’ll know it is done when it springs back after pressing on it


koronadobeats – put-ur-head-on-my-shoulder on soundcloud

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