
PCA North West 2017 – Classic Bodybuilding Class Comparisons and Callouts

Check out Classic Bodybuilding Class, comparisons and callouts from the PCA North West 2017.

NAPA TV are committed to bringing you, the viewer, the best live experience of bodybuilding shows along with information and insight into this amazing sport. Our goal is to reach out to those who are unable to attend these events, want to learn more about the sport, and broaden the reach of all show promoters and all federations for the benefit of the bodybuilding industry as a whole.
With minimal initial promotion of the NAPA TV Live Stream, we provided 6.5 hours continuous viewing to over 2.5k people, in over 30 countries worldwide plus total playbacks amounts to 4715. With your help, we can connect to even more people and drive the industry forward. We would like to thank all our viewers and everyone who shared, liked and gave us fantastic feedback! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and connect with us on our social media feeds. #twitter #instagram #facebook

The show was a great success and is a credit to all involved. You can see more videos as we upload them to our YouTube channel: You can also purchase the DVD in full very soon via our website www.napasportsnutrition.com,

Congratulations to all the competitors for giving us such great viewing and we look forward to bringing you more live bodybuilding throughout 2017 from grass roots all the way up to professional level!

#joewalker #transformer #bodybuilding #training #figure #physique #model #bikini #classic #sasssquad #ulverston #lakesclassic #muscle #youtubelive #share #subscribe #jointherevolution #napatv #teamnapa #tnt #nabba #ukbff #ifbb #ifba #nac

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